Maths for early years

Number line to 100 - Missing Numbers
Children to fill in the missing numbers on a number line to 100.

Counting on from any number (Within 10)
Editable powerpoint, following white rose small steps with adaptations.
Adapted to be more user friendly & interactive
low cognitive overload
Dislexic/ Discalcular friendly (remove white background square)
Seesaw task included (included a challenge extension on slide 2)

Addition and Subtraction Block - Year 1
All Year 1 Maths resources for Term 1.2 Block on Addition and subtraction, following white rose scheme of works adapted to be more accessible & challenge all abilities.
All lessons in this block cover:
Add together
Add more
Addition problems
Addition fact families
introducing parts and wholes
part whole models
number sentences
Add or subtract 1 or 2
find a part
how many left
number bonds to 10
systematic number bonds
number bonds within 10
take away and cross out
subtraction on a number line
the eight facts
All resources include teaching slides, retrieval opportunities on prior knowledge, problem solving and reasoning questions, an extension activity, including an activity suitable to each lesson.
All PPT’s are editable.
Seesaw activity links:
First then & now stories: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?prompt_id=prompt.a776947c-b9a6-453f-a82c-d286da7b6666&share_token=GCclS552T1-S0WPyja0RKA
Fact families (Addition): https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?prompt_id=prompt.be9ddd73-9a81-4f1a-bb19-cd2a125ddcd7&share_token=madmMvY9Qu2i593ziQbxkw
Subtraction on a number line: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?prompt_id=prompt.9f9ea928-5f91-4a08-81e3-a86bc78c013f&share_token=6BVD3VBiTdKnIA44AINCDw